Commit your organization to participating in Construction Suicide Prevention Week now. Register below with how you plan to participate, and you’ll receive an OSHA-recognized, industry-endorsed certificate of participation and an electronic badge to use on your website.
Guide for employers
Planning activities for Suicide Prevention Week
Educate your workers about a deeply troubling public health concern. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and the numbers are disproportionately high for the construction industry. With death by suicide on the rise, we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it.
Leverage this How-To Guide to share life-saving information with your workforce.
Beginning of August: Order magnets, hard had stickers and silicone wristbands with the Suicide Prevention Lifeline information on them. Click the “Order Materials” link at the top of the page.
Mid-August: Let employees know (through company newsletters, flyers or other means) when Construction Suicide Prevention Week takes place this year. Include a link to resources and information about any events or activities you want them to put on their calendars. Register your company’s participation using the form above. Here is a link to some sample language to send in an email or newsletter to your employees.
Sept. 8-12 (Construction Suicide Prevention Week): Set aside 20-30 minutes per day, per job site to share resources or participate in an activity. See below for topics and resources for sharing information about the topic.
- Sept. 8: Construction and suicide
- Toolbox talk from CSPW.
- Pass out hard hat stickers and wristbands.
- Sept. 9: Reducing stigma
- Sept. 10: Recognizing the warning signs
- Toolbox talk from CSPW.
- Gather home office staff for a stand-down event and moment of silence.
- Sept. 11: How to listen and how to seek help
Share resources on your social media channels, along with photography of your company’s participation in Construction Suicide Prevention Week. This is an important part of breaking down the stigma around the topic.
After Sept. 12: Keep the conversation going. Use the resources available on this site to keep the conversation going year-round. Make sure employees know mental health is just as great a priority as physical health, and educate them on how to keep their mind well, right alongside keeping their bodies well.