CSPW 2024 National stand-down




Every year in September, the world raises awareness about suicide prevention during National Suicide Prevention Month. Sept. 9-13 is Construction Suicide Prevention Week, and beginning in 2024, the construction industry will come together in a powerful moment of remembrance to honor those we’ve lost and to re-commit to preventing further loss of life.


The rate of death by suicide for construction workers is 5.5 times the rate of all other construction fatalities on the jobsite. The rate of suicide in construction is more than four times higher than the general population. (Source: BLS) With more than 8 million (and rising) workers in the industry, it is critical that we place as much focus on mental health in our workforce as much as we do the physical.


To show your commitment to getting every person home and back to the jobsite healthy every day, join Construction Suicide Prevention Week on Monday, Sept. 9 for one minute of silence during our nationwide stand-down to honor all lives lost to suicide.

  • 2:50 p.m. Eastern
  • 1:50 p.m. Central 
  • 12:50 p.m. Mountain 
  • 11:50 a.m. Pacific
  • 10:50 a.m. Alaska 
  • 8:50 a.m. Hawaii


  1. Register your company’s participation.
  2. Inform jobsite supervisors and foreman about your company’s plan to participate.
  3. Post notifications on the jobsite about the date and time of the stand down.
  4. Promote your company’s participation on social media using our graphic templates.
  5. Encourage participation on the jobsite by providing print outs for workers to honor those they’ve lost.
  6. Hold your moment of silence at the set time on Monday, Sept. 9.
  7. Submit photos or videos from your moment of silence.
  8. Follow up with support resources for your workers.